Friday, August 7, 2015

Heavy Junkbox farming o/


06:30 takes the full run, without any of the other weird things i did, tried to show off the talents etc.

I am sure there might be faster farming methods, but i get 120 boxes within ~40 min. Then send em all to your bank/box-alt or CoD em directly to the customer :)

Macro for pick pocketing mobs:
/console set targetnearestdistance 10
/targetenemy [target=target, noexists]
/cast pick pocket

Macro for deleting all the junk:
/run f=string.find;for b=0,4 do for s=1,32 do n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s);if n and(f(n,"Homemade Cherry Pie")or f(n,"An Exotic Cookbook")or f(n,"Roasted Quail")or f(n,"Superior Healing Potion")) then PickupContainerItem(b,s);DeleteCursorItem();end;end;end

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Heart of Fear 10 man

I farmed here HoF 10m normal, cause my gear aint good enough to pull so many mobs in 25 man yet. But even on 10 man the outcome was impressive, to say the least.

After 20 min of farm my bags looked like this

I had 33.450 g before i started farming, so that's 91g raw gold
after opening all lockboxes/treasures im at 34.081 g, so 540g in those combined.
Selling the greens put me up to 34.840g, so  759g from vendoring.
59 motes of harmony X ~4g = 234g profit
the 4 pattern X 200g = 800g  profit
And the content from the treasures where:
31 white trillium ore X 10g = 310g
28 black trillium ore X 14g = 392g
4X 20 windwool(worth 17g with cloak)= 68g
19 Ghost Iron ore X 1g = 19g

All together = 3213g in 20 minutes farming!
I cant really make a gold/hour thing here because you have a 10/instances per hour cooldown, but its still a good amount of gold for such an easy job.

Ofc, remember to not pull the first boss ;)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Testing Gold Farms: Guo-lai Vault

This is the result after 20 minutes of hard work

This is, after opening 12 chests with the keys i found. It's not bad for inbetween, but is it enough? :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Need moar Embersilk!

You know whats up :> This is the best farming spot for embersilk so far, i hope it wont get changed by Blizz too soon :(